Ecclesfield Primary School

News Page

Y4 Learning

Date: 22/11/2024

Year 4 have been using a video called 'Catch it' this week as inspiration to create their own comic strips. They have considered how speech, thoughts and onomatopoeic bubbles can be used to add details…

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Mrs Gething

Date: 22/11/2024

We would all like to wish Mrs Gething good luck and lots of happy times ahead. She leaves our school today to start her maternity leave. We will report baby news as soon as we hear.  

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School Crossing Warden

Date: 08/11/2024

We are delighted to announce that Sheffield City Council have employed a School Crossing Warden, James Howson, who will be starting on Monday 11th November 2024. James lives locally and used to attend…

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Harvest Celebrations

Date: 25/10/2024

A huge thank you to our amazing families who have donated to the S6 food bank over the past few weeks. It has been wonderful to share our harvest celebrations with you all both in school and at church.…

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Year 5 Learning

Date: 18/10/2024

Year 5 have been linking subjects together this week! They have used all their knowledge about volcanoes to help design and plan a house that would be suitable to live in on a volcanic site. They have…

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Y4 Digestive System Learning

Date: 11/10/2024

Year 4 have been completing their double page spreads this week all about the digestive system. They have researched information in their English lessons before writing an explanation which they have then…

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Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Date: 04/10/2024

Year 4 have had a fantastic time visiting the Yorkshire Wildlife Park this week. They have been exploring the park, learning all about the animals that live there as well as taking part in two workshops…

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Y1 Sensory Walk

Date: 27/09/2024

Year 1 have also been exploring our school grounds this week! They have been taking a sensory walk through the woods, immersing themselves in the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  

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Y3 Science Trail

Date: 27/09/2024

Year 3 have been on a science trail this week in the school grounds, finding different types of rocks and discussing why they have been chosen for certain purposes.   

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Y3 - Geography Learning

Date: 20/09/2024

Year 3 have also been learning all about rocks this week, comparing how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are formed. They even took part in their own rock buffet to  explain how each rock is…

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