End of Term News
Date: 22/12/2023
As Autumn term draws to a close, we say goodbye to Mr Steel and Mrs Nicklin. Mr Steel is moving on to pursue a new career in accountancy, he has been a great team player at Ecclesfield Primary and has…
Y4 Visit to Pizza Express
Date: 01/12/2023
Year 4 went on a visit this week to launch their new geography unit of work. They visited Pizza Express to learn about the different ingredients that are used to make the traditional Italian meal and discussed…
Y5 Visit to Jorvik Centre
Date: 01/12/2023
Year 5 have had a brilliant time this week visiting Jorvik Viking Centre in York. They have learnt about the daily life of Vikings and how we know so much about time in the past due to the artefacts they…
Parent Lending Library
Date: 24/11/2023
Our 'Parent Lending Library' which has been set up outside the main office will be moved to inside the reception area over the winter months. Please feel free to use the library. There are a range of books…
Children in Need
Date: 24/11/2023
A huge thank you to the families who contributed to our fundraising last week. We raised £75 to support the Children In Need charity.
Y1 Autumn Science Learning
Date: 17/11/2023
Year 1 have been doing some wonderful science learning this week linked to the seasonal changes that we observe. Now that we are in Autumn, the children went on a leaf hunt outside in our school grounds…
Online Safety Talk by South Yorkshire Police
Date: 17/11/2023
Year 5 and 6 have had a visitor today from South Yorkshire Police to talk to them about online safety. They have discussed why online safety is important and learnt the different ways that they can stay…
Y1 Science Learning
Date: 17/11/2023
Year 1 have been doing some wonderful science learning this week linked to the seasonal changes that we observe. Now that we are in Autumn, the children went on a leaf hunt outside in our school grounds…
Drumming Workshop
Date: 10/11/2023
Wow! What an amazing musical experience that key stage 2 have had this week! Jeff Rich, the drummer for Status Quo, came into school to deliver a drumming workshop to all of the children. He shared all…
Poppies For Sale
Date: 03/11/2023
Next week, we shall be selling sticky-back poppies and a limited number of wristbands and keyrings to mark Remembrance and Armistice Day. Poppies are for sale for a minimum donation of 20p and keyrings/wristbands…