Children's Mental Health Week
Date: 09/02/2024
This week has marked Children's Mental Health Week. The children have marked it in a variety of ways including considering what matters to them as part of this year's theme, 'Your Voice Matters'.
Our Time Capsule
Date: 09/02/2024
On Wednesday, Miss Pilling and a group of FS children went outside and buried a time capsule in the school grounds. Last year, each year group produced a piece of work, and this was collected and placed…
Y4 Holy Trinity Lessons
Date: 02/02/2024
Year 4 have been learning about the Holy Trinity in their RE lessons this week which is integral to Christian beliefs and has a huge impact on how they live their lives. They created their own posters…
Y5 Investigations into Friction
Date: 02/02/2024
Year 5 have been using a range of different scientific skills to design their own investigations this week using a frame structure. They have been thinking about forces and different equipment they could…
Y1 Poetry Work
Date: 26/01/2024
Year 1 have finished their poetry unit of work in English this week. They have used the book 'Zim Zam Zoom' to learn all about adjectives and similes and then they have used their own imaginations to include…
Y6 Crucial Crew Visit
Date: 26/01/2024
Year 6 have been busy at Crucial Crew today. They have been learning about a range of key life skills all themed around staying safe. They have learnt about how to phone the emergency services, how to…
Visit to Ecclesfield School
Date: 19/01/2024
Year 6 had an excellent time visiting Ecclesfield School this week having been invited to watch their production of Grease. They all enjoyed listening to the songs and watching the excellent acting skills…
End of Term News
Date: 22/12/2023
As Autumn term draws to a close, we say goodbye to Mr Steel and Mrs Nicklin. Mr Steel is moving on to pursue a new career in accountancy, he has been a great team player at Ecclesfield Primary and has…
Y4 Visit to Pizza Express
Date: 01/12/2023
Year 4 went on a visit this week to launch their new geography unit of work. They visited Pizza Express to learn about the different ingredients that are used to make the traditional Italian meal and discussed…
Y5 Visit to Jorvik Centre
Date: 01/12/2023
Year 5 have had a brilliant time this week visiting Jorvik Viking Centre in York. They have learnt about the daily life of Vikings and how we know so much about time in the past due to the artefacts they…