Statement of Intent
At Ecclesfield primary school, it is our intent that all children are independent, curious and creative learners. Our curriculum is designed to build on all children’s prior experiences and knowledge through themes that are familiar to them, so that they all make good progress. Language and vocabulary is at the heart of our curriculum and all learning opportunities, including adult-led and child-initiated activities, provide children with the chance to practise and extend this. We pride ourselves on establishing effective and supportive relationships with practitioners and parents, building on the rigorous transition process that we provide when children enter our school.
Our aim is for all children to:
- know how to appropriately express themselves and feel heard
- feel valued as an individual and be included and supported through equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice.
- be empowered to meet their own needs
- show a high level of engagement and active learning through a range of skill based activities
- enjoy their learning experience whilst progressing towards the Early Learning Goals
Our Aims
At Ecclesfield Primary School we aim to raise standards, improve outcomes and support each pupil’s welfare, learning and developmental needs in the EYFS by:
- Providing a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum to build on the children’s interests and experiences, which is in line with the statutory framework for the EYFS (2024)
- Recognising that all pupils are unique and special, understanding that all pupils have different needs, their own learning style and that they develop at different rates.
- Providing learning experiences which reflect pupils’ personal interests and build on their existing knowledge and experiences.
- Understanding the importance of play in pupils’ learning and development.
- Providing a balance of play based learning and adult directed learning which focuses on developing the children’s language and vocabulary.
- Providing a safe, secure and caring environment that enables and develops learning, both indoors and outdoors.
- Encouraging pupils’ independence, decision making and problem solving skills.
- Raising pupils’ awareness of their identity and role within the community.
- Teaching appropriate methods of expressing their needs, wishes and feelings.
- Developing pupils’ understanding of social skills and the appropriate behaviour towards each other and our environment.
- Working in close partnership with parents and carers.
- Enabling pupils, parents and staff members to feel valued and respected as part of the school community.
This policy is based on requirements set out in the 2024 statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This framework specifies the standards and requirements for learning, development and care in the Early Years and provides prime and specific areas of learning that we use to shape our curriculum.
Our EYFS Curriculum
Our EYFS team consists of experienced teachers and teaching assistants who are skilled in early years teaching and pedagogy. They understand the needs of our youngest children and how best to create and provide the EYFS curriculum across our two EYFS classes.
Staff follow the educational programmes as outlined in the 2024 statutory framework of the EYFS, which has been used to develop our own curriculum.
The EYFS framework includes 7 areas of learning and development that are equally important and inter-connected. However, 3 areas known as the prime areas are seen as particularly important for building a foundation to ignite children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, form relationships and thrive.
The prime areas are:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social and emotional development
The prime areas are strengthened and applied through 4 specific areas:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
The EYFS curriculum at Ecclesfield Primary School is designed to recognise children’s prior learning from previous settings and their experiences at home, provide first hand learning experiences, whilst allowing the children to build resilience, ambition and integrity.
Staff ensure that the EYFS curriculum supports the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning to ensure a deep level of learning takes place. These are:
- playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’
- active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements
- creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things
Learning and Development
“Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals, and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play and learning that is guided by adults. Practitioners need to decide what they want children in their setting to learn, and the most effective ways to teach it. Practitioners must stimulate children’s interests, responding to each child’s emerging needs and guiding their development through warm, positive interactions coupled with secure routines for play and learning.
As children grow older and move into the reception year, there should be a greater focus on teaching the essential skills and knowledge in the specific areas of learning. This will help children to prepare for Key Stage 1.” (Statutory Framework for EYFS 2024)
We ensure that this:
- is at the heart of our learning journey approach.
- is distinctive, innovative and strategically planned.
- is reviewed in the light of national developments, new thinking, research and development.
- introduces challenging, engaging and real-life problems.
- strives to encourage and develop a love of learning.
- enables learning within a child centered approach.
- ensures resources and equipment are available to support learning at every stage of development and in every area of the EYFS curriculum.
- ensures all areas of learning are regarded with the same level of importance and are interlinked.
- includes fundamental British values to teach children a sense of self and belonging; enabling them to learn and stay true to the values that make people good human beings.
- ensures that children learn to live together peacefully, with each of them playing a valuable role in the multi-cultural world in which they live.
Planning and Assessment
At Ecclesfield Primary School, ongoing assessment is an integral part of the learning and development process. Staff observe pupils to identify their level of engagement, achievement and their interests. Staff have ongoing discussions about children’s learning to ensure that all staff are able to support and challenge pupils’ as needed. These observations and discussions are used to shape future planning and form part of our continual cycle of assessment (Plan, Do, Review). Practitioners also take into account observations shared by parents/carers.
Staff support, scaffold and challenge children in their play and focused activities to inform future planning to ensure that learning moves on quickly. Opportunities are provided for sustained shared thinking opportunities and high quality discussions with the children. Misconceptions and gaps in learning are identified quickly by staff and provision is altered to address gaps using specific themes. We will include interventions for groups or individuals if and when necessary.
Every child is recognised as a unique individual and we celebrate and welcome differences within our school community. Planning is designed to be flexible so that a child’s unique interests and needs are supported. Staff take into account the individual needs, interests, and stage of development of each child in their care and use this information to plan challenging and enjoyable experiences. Where a child may have a special educational need or disability, staff consider whether specialist support is required, linking with relevant services from other agencies, where appropriate.
Each child has an Individual learning journey via an online journal called ‘Tapestry’. This provides an overview of how a child is progressing throughout their time in the EYFS, providing evidence of thorough assessment across the EYFS curriculum. Our children’s learning is shared with parents on Tapestry through photographs and written observations and parents/carers are actively encouraged to comment on our observations and upload their own photographs and experiences from home. We aim to share and reflect with the children about their learning by regularly sharing their learning journeys via Tapestry. These learning journeys support teacher assessment and planning across the EYFS.
Observation procedures:
Staff are involved in the children’s play to gain a secure knowledge of each child as an individual. ‘WOW moments’ are captured on Tapestry (online learning journey) and shared with parents. Observations are moderated by EY teachers before they are approved and uploaded for parents to view on Tapestry. This also ensures that duplicate observations can be eradicated. More information can be found in our Tapestry Online Learning Journey policy.
At the end of the EYFS, each child’s level of development is assessed against the early learning goals. Pupils are assessed against the 17 early learning goals, indicating whether they are:
- Meeting expected levels of development or,
- Not yet reaching expected levels (‘emerging’)
The Enabling Environment
Ecclesfield Primary School recognises that the learning environment plays an important role in supporting and extending pupils’ learning and development in the EYFS. Staff create an exciting and stimulating environment for children to learn in, which reflects our ambitious EYFS curriculum. All staff members are responsible for ensuring that the emotional environment is warm and accepting of everyone. In order to create an environment in which pupils feel happy and confident to try new things, staff members will empathise with pupils, support their emotions and ensure that they feel valued. The Zones of Regulation are used to support children to recognise and express their emotions; staff check in with children throughout the day and support children by co-regulating to bring them back to the green zone.
Staff in the EYFS understand the importance of creating a language rich environment for our children. Staff use every opportunity to use language, to interact, to share a focus, to talk, to take turns and to build a nurturing environment. Key vocabulary and questions is present throughout the environment both inside and outside.
Enhancements and resources are well-planned and placed purposefully within each area of provision, also reflecting the children’s needs and skills at given points in the year. The children have continual access to an indoor and outdoor environment that is set up in discrete areas of learning with planned continuous provision. Staff will enhance play and extend children’s learning. Displays in the environment celebrate children’s achievements and successes building self-confidence and self-esteem. Interactive displays and learning walls e.g. phonics, support the children with their independent learning.
Educational visits will be arranged in order to further expand pupils’ learning experiences. Prior to a trip, a risk assessment of the space is carried out and it is ensured that the area is appropriate for the activity and pupils involved.
Planning for a smooth and thorough transition starts as soon as possible and well in advance of the September start date. At Ecclesfield Primary School, we have established strong links with our main feeder nurseries and endeavor to build new relationships with pre-school establishments that are new to our school and for children in their care.
To ensure the best possible transition we: -
- value the parent as the first educator of their child
- make contact via phone with every feeder pre-school/nursery within our new intake to gather and discuss essential information for every child
- visit as many pre-schools/nurseries as possible to meet children in a familiar setting
- share important information about our school during new parents welcome meeting
- use written information sent by pre-schools/nurseries to inform early planning
- invite children into school for transition visits in June and July
- share information in a transition meeting with key adults for children with additional needs
- visit every parent and child at home to discuss important information, both about home and school
- stagger entry of the whole cohort in September to enable a smooth transition for all
- plan for more individualised starts to school for those children who need this
Staff also support the transition into Key Stage 1 for both child and parents. We prepare children for Year 1 with visits to their new class, opportunities to meet the next teacher and by ensuring the routines and expectations are similar at the end of the EYFS and the start of Year 1. Parents have the opportunity to meet with new teachers and visit their child’s new learning environment. (Transition to KS1 - See Whole School Transition Policy)
Working with Parents/Carers
We know that working in partnership has a huge impact on the effectiveness of our EYFS at Ecclesfield Primary School. We value our partnerships and endeavor to actively maintain these by sharing information, ideas, expertise and our knowledge within our team and with parents/carers, colleagues and other professionals e.g. SALT therapists and EY 0-5 Team.
At Ecclesfield Primary School, we recognise that children learn and develop well when there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents/carers.
Parents/carers are kept up to date with their child’s progress and development. The EYFS profile helps to provide parents/carers with a well-rounded picture of their child’s knowledge, understanding and abilities.
To support our wider curriculum, we provide regular opportunities for parents/carers to come into school and work with their child, share their work and celebrate successes. This includes stay and play sessions, parent workshops, teddy bears picnic, collaborative learning journeys, Tapestry online learning journey, reports and parent consultations as well as more frequent informal communication to suit individual families.
Bespoke workshops for parents/carers and regular active modelling sessions are planned to demonstrate how reading, phonics and mathematics are taught. This ensures that parents/carers know their child’s next steps and how best they can support their child at home, developing a consistent approach across home and school.
Each child is assigned a key person who helps to ensure that their learning and care is tailored to meet their needs. At Ecclesfield the key person is the child’s class teacher. The key person supports parents/carers in guiding their child’s development at home and also helps families to engage with more specialist support, if appropriate.
An integral aspect of the curriculum is that children are prepared for the future. In the EYFS, children’s individual identities are valued and our children are kind and caring whilst also aspiring to be the best that they can be in whatever area they choose to pursue. We believe that every child is unique. All children have the potential to achieve and our broad, varied curriculum allows every child to excel now and in the future based upon their own personal strengths, interests and core values.
From their different starting points, all children will make good progress academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically. Knowledge, understanding and skills will be secured and embedded so that children attain highly and are fully prepared for Year 1 and beyond.
- They will have strong communication skills and will listen respectfully and with tolerance to the views of others
- They will take pride in all that they do, always striving to do their best
- They will demonstrate emotional resilience and the ability to persevere when they encounter challenge
- They will develop a sense of self-awareness and become confident in their own abilities
- They will be kind, respectful and honest, demonstrate inclusive attitudes and have a sense of their role in our wider society
The children have a daily phonics lesson following Essential Letters and Sounds. Reading books sent home apply and reinforce the child’s known phonemes (sounds). Children have access to ELS decodable books. Staff work closely with parents throughout the year in order to support the children to consolidate their phonics skills at home.
For more information and for some helpful tips and games for home see: