Ecclesfield Primary School has a strong belief that all children should be valued, treated with respect and reach their full potential. We aim to provide every child with access to a broad and balanced education that meets the specific needs of individuals and groups of children.
Through personalised teaching and learning, our school strives to ensure that the provision for all our pupils is of the highest possible standards, ensuring that we are always evaluating and refining our practice We firmly believe that by working in partnership with parents/carers and adults beyond school our children receive high quality care, support, education and the best possible opportunities in order to ensure a successful transition into adult life.
For further information please see:
SEND policy
Local offer
Sparkle Sheffield Support Group News
Signposts: Where to go for further support
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Lauren Stevenson and can be contacted at school (0114 2467396) through the school office or directly via email to She is happy to talk to you about any questions you may have.
Local Authority Local Offer
Please click here to view the LA Local Offer.
Multi Agency Support Teams (MAST):
Your local Multi Agency Support Team (MAST) works with children, young people and families to provide a range of services which help improve well-being, school attendance, learning, behaviour and health care.
They aim to promote the early identification of children with additional needs. By delivering high quality preventative and supportive services we want to enable children to continue living successfully with their families and communities.
Call: 0114 2053158
Sheffield Autism Team
The Sheffield Autism Team supports schools and settings meet the needs of social communication difficulties including autism. They also offer direct work with children and provide advice and support to parents and professionals.
Call: 0114 2736567
They have a dedicated phone service that is manned by experienced teachers from the team. The service is available Monday to Thursday during term time from 1pm to 4pm.
Speech and Language Therapy:
The service works with children with speech, language, communication or swallowing difficulties from 0 to 16 years of age. They have three teams: the pre-school team, the mainstream schools team and the special schools team.
The teams include specialist therapists who work with children who have communication and/or swallowing difficulties associated with conditions such as hearing impairment, complex needs, stammering, cleft palate, autism and physical disability.
The Speech and Language Therapist’s role is to identify children’s communication strengths and weaknesses. We also support the development of skills in the child, their carers and teachers, which will enable the child to maximise their communication potential.
Though based in clinics at Flockton House, Firth Park and Ryegate, therapists work away from their bases in the community into a wide range of settings. These include family homes, schools, nurseries and Children’s Centres.
For general enquiries contact Lynne Williams
Call: 0114 2262333
Fax: 0114 2507467
For further information about services on offer in Sheffield, please visit the Sheffield City Council website:

Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014: What do I need to know?
The new SEND Code of Practice now covers ages 0-25 years with a focus on preparing the child for adult life. The transition from school to school and from school to adulthood should be planned for carefully. There are now more and better opportunities for young people who are post-16.
Pupils and families have more say. The child and family is now at the center of discussions when it comes to what support is offered and it’s up to the school or setting to consult with the child and family to gain their views. Young people will also have new rights. When they reach 16, services would normally consult them directly – their views will take precedence over their parents' views.
Education, health and care plans to replace statements.Under the new rules, SEN statements and learning difficulty assessments (LDAs) will be replaced with education, health and care (EHC) plans taking children and young people up to the age of 25. From September 2014, new assessments of SEN will follow the new rules, and support will be provided through an EHC plan. Existing statements and LDAs will remain in force until all children and young people have completed the transition. Transfers from statements to EHC plans should be completed within three years.
School Action and School Action Plus to end.‘School Action’ and ‘School Action Plus’ were the old intervention schemes that tracked progress. Now there is a single school-based category for children who need extra specialist support called ‘School Support’. The parent/carer and child will be informed and consent obtained before the child receives any additional support.
Teachers are more accountable for progress.Teachers are responsible for the progress of all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and disabilities. Every pupil should receive ‘Quality First Teaching’ before (if there is a need for) the ‘Graduated Response’ of intervention.