School Opening Hours
Year Group | Time Collected from Playground | Registration Ends | Exit Time | Location for drop off and collection |
Y6 | 8.35am | 8.50am | 3.10pm | Y6 Playground |
Y5 | 8.35am | 8.50am | 3.10pm | Y6 Playground |
Y4 | 8.35am | 8.50am | 3.10pm | KS2 Playground |
Y3 | 8.35am | 8.50am | 3.10pm | KS2 Playground |
Y2 | 8.25am | 8.40am | 3.00pm | KS1 Playground |
Y1 | 8.25am | 8.40am | 3.00pm | KS1 Playground |
FS | 8.25am | 8.40am | 3.00pm |
KS1 Playground for drop off FS Playground for collection |
General Medical Information
Medication in School
In line with other Schools in the Sheffield area we do not administer medicines in School. Inhalers may be stored in the medical room. Please make sure that inhalers brought to school are always clearly labelled. Members of staff are not allowed to administer medication but may supervise children able to do this for themselves. All medication must be taken to the school office where a form requesting the administering of medicine is required to be completed by the parent/carer who has parental responsibility. Any other adult, including family members, who do not have parental responsibility can not sign this form.
Our medicine form is available for completion on ParentPay, entitled 'Medicine Administration'.
Injuries at School
The School has several trained first aiders on the staff. Children who are injured will be assessed and the appropriate steps taken. A record of the injury will be emailed home giving the location of the injury via the Medial Tracker system.
Illness at School
If a child is ill at school, then Office Staff will contact parents/carers and arrange for the child to be collected. Please ensure you inform school of changes to contact numbers.
Storage of Medicines
Inhalers are kept in a green first aid box at school in the relevant classrooms. All other medication must be given into the office with the relevant permission for medicines to be administered at school form. Medicines must not be given to children to bring in or put in their lunch boxes for self administration. Our First Aid Policy can be found in the Reception area in the Parent Policy file.
School Health Service
Every child deserves to be as fit and healthy as possible. The School Nursing Team regularly visits all schools. The Team comprises a qualified nurse, who is available to help you with any health concerns about your child and has close links with community paediatricians, GPs, health visitors and other professionals who care for children. The team also includes health care assistants who carry out routine screening of children at school entry and in Y6.
With parental agreement the School Nurse can provide a link between home and school and act on the child’s behalf. The nurse will also provide information, advice and support on health issues to teachers, parents and children. This can be offered individually or in groups as part of health promotion programmes.
Routine screening of your child’s height, weight, vision and hearing is offered to all children within the first year of school. Where any problems are identified, appropriate follow-up and referral can be made. These tests can be carried out at any age on request if concerns are highlighted.
If you have any questions regarding vaccinations that you feel your child may be due please contact your School Nurse or GP surgery.
You can contact your School Nurse at any time during your child’s school life. Contact details are available from the School office or contact the central school nurse office on 0114 2331189.
The School Dress Policy
All children should be in full school uniform every day (including off-site visits) unless it is your child’s allocated PE day in which case the child should wear PE Kit all day.
Our school’s uniform:
- Red or navy sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan
- Red, navy or white polo shirt/T-shirt/blouse
- Black or grey trousers/skirt/jogging bottoms
When it is your child’s PE day, we expect them to come to school in their PE kits which consist of the following items:
- Plain white T shirt
- Plain black PE style shorts or plain jogging bottoms.
- A school jumper or a plain navy-blue jumper
- Trainers or plimsolls.
Football kits are not to be worn.
Hair should be tied back and please ensure your child is able to take out any stud earrings.
Swimming kit
- Girls- -swimming costume
- Boys-trunks or swimming shorts that are not below the knee
- Towel
Jewellery and Hairstyles
(Taking into account the requirement described above to avoid discrimination in line with the Equality Act 2010)
- Hair should be tied up and needs to be tied up in any event for PE
- Hairstyles should be free from the extremes of fashion
- Watches only (not smart watches) are allowed. No other jewellery is necessary.
Shoes, bags and coats
- Sensible black shoes (no flip flops /wedges/brightly coloured trainers/sandals/peep toes). Trainers are acceptable as long as they are black.
- Warm, waterproof coat for the winter.
- Boots/wellingtons for when it snows
- Small bag/reading book bag (year group dependent)
Parents and carers can obtain the uniform, from the school suppliers via Logo leisure wear ( if they prefer to buy a jumper/coat with a logo or from a range of other retailers for non -logo uniform jumpers/coats
Second hand uniform: School has a uniform swap shop which is available throughout term time via ParentPay. Parents are encouraged to bring old uniform which no longer fits which is donated to the swap shop. School collects lost property which is nameless and also shares with the council to support families who need this. Our Pre-loved uniform is also available in the school office.
Breakfast & After School Club
Ecclesfield Primary School runs a breakfast club each morning from 7.30am to provide a welcoming, safe, secure environment for pupils before the beginning of the school day and to provide children with a healthy, nutritious breakfast in a pleasant and relaxed environment. Bookings should be made via ParentPay.
‘…staff are always really friendly, nothing is too much trouble and it makes us happy to know that [our child] is being looked after so well.’ (Breakfast Club survey response Autumn 2016)
A copy of the Breakfast and After School Club Policy can be found here.
School Meals
- School Meals Food Standards 2015 PDF
If your child requires a medical diet this can be arranged via the office using medical proof of dietary requirements.
New Food Standard in force 1st January 2015.Taylor Shaw's CSR Commitment can be accessed here.
A copy of the current school dinner menu can be accessed here.
Term Time Leave
Click here for more information.
Click here to download a copy of our Request for Exceptional Term Time Leave Form.
Term & Inset Days
Click here for more information from Sheffield City Council on term time dates.
Click here for the 2024-2025 school calendar which includes our inset dates.