Ecclesfield Primary School

Summer term in FS

Thursday 18 Apr 2024 13:26pm

Welcome back to the summer term! We hope that you have all had a lovely Easter break.  

We are very excited to see you all and we can’t wait to carry on our fantastic learning. Our topic this half - term is ‘I wonder…what’s hiding in the garden’ which focuses on mini beasts and planting. At home, we wonder if you can explore the outdoors to see if you can spot any different mini beasts to tell us about in school. We will also be looking at the new season of Spring and comparing this to Autumn and Winter.  

We will continue our daily phonics and will be practicing using our phase 3 sounds, particularly our digraphs, in our reading and writing. We will also be learning new harder to read and spell words so please keep practicing these daily at home, alongside your school reading book.  

In English, our class text will be ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle. We will be describing the caterpillar and retelling and sequencing the story. We will then research facts about butterflies and create a butterfly fact file.  

In Maths, we will be using our number skills to add and subtract and look at teen numbers (numbers beyond 10). You can help your child at home by counting past 10 and looking at teen numbers. Home learning will be issued each Friday with Maths ideas to support your child’s learning at home.  


  • PE days are now on Monday and Friday. On these days, your child will need to wear their PE kits.  
  • Your child needs to bring their book bag every day and we will continue to change books on Fridays.  

Thank you for your support.  

Miss Pilling, Mrs Ingram and Miss Leach.  

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