Ecclesfield Primary School

Year 3's Diary

Hello from the Year 3 Team. The class teachers are Mr Wells, Mrs Garner and Mrs Stott. We follow the National Curriculum and promote a love of learning and provide exciting opportunities for hands on learning.  We love to learn and have created a happy, relaxed and stimulating environment both inside and outside the classroom.

In Year 3 we love to be happy, creative and have lots of fun!  We also love hearing about what the children are reading at home and enjoy sharing recommendations as a whole class.  Please ensure reading books and diaries are brought into school everyday as we often spend time reading them in school.  Reading books will be changed every FRIDAY so please ensure that both decodable and phonic books are brought into school on a Friday to be changed. 

Homelearning will be given out to children each Friday and this will include Spellings, Maths and reading. The children should complete this by the following THURSDAY ready for the teacher to mark.

Throughout this year we study a variety of amazing topics such as North America, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, so any home learning about these subjects would WOW the teachers! 

If you have any questions or would like any clarification, please speak to a member of the Year 3 team. 

Year 3

Summer term in Y3

Date: 18/04/2024

Welcome back to Year 3 for our Summer Term!   We hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break and haven’t eaten too much chocolate!  We are so excited about this term as we are embarking on a wonderful…

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Spring 2 in Year 3

Date: 27/02/2024

Year 3   Spring term 2024  Welcome back to school, spring 2024 is going to be a very exciting term for us.   In DT, we are learning all about Greek food.  We shall be trying lots of exciting Greek cuisine,…

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Spring 1 in Year 3

Date: 08/01/2024

Welcome back to Year 3 in Spring 1. We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. We have an exciting term ahead.   We are excited to share with you all the wonderful experiences and learning…

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Autumn 2 in Year 3

Date: 07/11/2023

Welcome back after the half term break, we hope you had fun! We have many amazing things planned for the run up to Christmas. We will start the term learning about  Ancient Egypt where we shall be focussing…

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Autumn 1 in Year 3

Date: 10/09/2023

Welcome to Year 3!   Hello and welcome to Year 3! We hope that you have had a restful, enjoyable Summer Break and are raring to go as we return to school!   We have a fun-filled year planned and cannot…

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