Sunday 10 Sep 2023 15:55pm
Welcome to Year 3!
Hello and welcome to Year 3! We hope that you have had a restful, enjoyable Summer Break and are raring to go as we return to school!
We have a fun-filled year planned and cannot wait to get going.
This half term, we shall be launching our learning by starting with our learning on North America where we shall be focussing on the geographical features of this are and it’s climate zones.
Our PE days will be on a Wednesday and Thursday for both classes.
In maths, we will be focussing on place value and begin to look at the formal written methods for addition and subtraction. Any additional support on this and the 2, 5, 10 and 3, 4, 8 times tables would be greatly appreciated.
In English, we shall be focussing on fluency and retrieval within reading and expanded noun phrases within our writing. We will also be completing book reviews and writing persuasive texts.
We look forward to getting to know both you and your children and look forward to working closely with you over the year. We have lots of exciting learning planned and can't wait to share it with you.
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