Thursday 18 Apr 2024 14:29pm
Welcome back to Year 3 for our Summer Term!
We hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break and haven’t eaten too much chocolate!
We are so excited about this term as we are embarking on a wonderful adventure to the Amazon Rainforest! We will read the award-winning novel called ‘Journey to the River Sea’ where an orphaned girl starts a new life with a family on the edge of the Amazon Rainforest. Our reading and writing lessons are based on her expedition and experiences! We read, write and perform poems, write non-fiction texts and exciting stories of adventure and danger!
In geography, we will be learning why some areas of the world are hotter than others. We draw on our knowledge of Egypt, Greece, England and the Arctic and compare these climates to Brazil. We will learn to use words to describe the climate in these areas: polar, desert, tropical, temperate and Mediterranean.
Concepts: Place Environments Physical processes Human processes
In maths, we will continue to develop our learning on the column method for addition and subtraction and multiplication and division through our daily maths meetings. We shall continue to practise our 3x, 4x and 8x tables and the corresponding division facts to aid us in developing our understanding of grouping and sharing. The focus of our maths lessons for the first two weeks of this half term will be fractions. We will recap finding equivalent fractions, then move on to finding tenths of fractions and converting these into decimals. We will complete fractions by adding and subtracting and comparing fractions.
We will conclude the half term by learning about Money and time. You could support your child by learning to tell the time to o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to, and by the nearest 5 minutes.
In science, we will be learning how plants grow well. The children will be planting seeds and observing how they change over time. They will be recording their findings using simple scientific language, drawings, bar charts and tables. They will explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant.
Concepts: Asking questions Identifying Testing Predicting Data collection Presentation Evaluation Using Scientific evidence to support findings
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