Ecclesfield Primary School

Autumn 1 in Year 4

Sunday 10 Sep 2023 15:56pm

Welcome to Year 4! We hope you all had a fantastic summer and we are looking forward to hearing all about what you have been up to. We are so excited to welcome you are all back! 

We are starting Year 4 with some excellent units of work across different subjects! 

In history, will be starting our year focussing on the Stone Age era in Britain. We will research the three stages of the Stone Age (the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras) and compare and contrast different concepts within these time frames, giving reasons to their potential change and continuity. 

To link with our history learning, our class novel is ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King which we will be focussing on during our reading lessons. We will also be using this as inspiration to some of our writing. We will also be using our history learning to help write information texts about woolly mammoths before changing genres to explanation texts with a science link. 

In Maths over the first half term we are going to focus on the following: place value, addition and subtraction. We will also be focussing heavily on recalling our multiplication facts throughout the year; this half term we will be recapping the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables as well as their corresponding division facts.  

It would be a fantastic help if the children could continue to practise their times tables at home using the following websites. 

In science, we will be learning about animals including humans, focussing in more detail on the digestive system. We will research the different components of this system and how they work together to break the food we eat down into the nutrients absorbed into our blood. We will use models to help us explain this process and carry out comparative tests to determine the effects of sugar on tooth decay and the impact on toothpaste on keeping our teeth healthy.  

General Information: 

Children will start their swimming sessions on Wednesday 13th September. These will then take place every Wednesday afternoon throughout this half term. Please make sure you have read the information sent out about swimming by the Year 4 team. Children will need to come into school in their school uniform as normal with their swimming items in a separate bag. Any questions, please contact via our class email address or via phone call to the school office.  

PE will also be on a Tuesday (for Y4L) and Friday (for Y4W).  Children should come into school in their PE kits on these days. 

Ask questions, please ask. 

Miss Latham and Mr Wells. 


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