Ecclesfield Primary School

Summer term in Y4

Thursday 18 Apr 2024 13:32pm

Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic Easter break and are ready for our final term in Y4!

To start our Summer term, we will be looking at what the Romans did for us. This half term, our focus is history. We will build up our knowledge about the Roman empire and how the empire spread through Europe and into Britain. We will also look at life in the Roman army, and how the Celts and other tribes tried to stand up against the Romans.

Our class novel to start the half term is called “Romans on the Rampage”. We will use this novel as a basis for our reading learning this term.

In Maths over the first half term of summer we will be focussing on Money including decimals and Time including 12 hour and 24 hour time. We will look at comparing amounts, solving problems involving money and time before finally moving onto Angles.


Concepts for this half term:

History: Chronology, Sequence, Cause and consequence, Change and consequence, Durations

Science: Pattern Seeking, research using secondary sources, identifying, classifying and grouping

RE: Tradition, belief, celebration

Art: Colour, Shape

PE: Teamwork, agility, balance, Stamina

Music: Pitch, Tempo, Rhythm, Performance

Computing: Media, Program, Data

French: communication, fluency, pronunciation


Targets for MATHS

To be fluent in all times tables up to 12x12

To confidently know number bonds up to 1000 E.G. 44 + 56 and 240 + 760.


Targets for ENGLISH

To spell all year 3 and 4 common exception words correctly in their work

To use fronted adverbials in our writing including a comma

To read at least 4 times a week for 15 minutes with an adult at home

General Information:

On PE days the children will still be expected to come into school wearing their PE kits.

PE days for Y4W are Mondays and Thursdays.

Y4Ls PE days are Mondays and Fridays.

Homework and spellings will be sent out on a Friday as usual. Homework will be expected to be return on a Thursday. Spelling tests will take place on a Friday.

Any questions, please contact via our class email or if it is important then please ring school and as to speak to one of us.

 Mr Wells and Miss Latham


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