Ecclesfield Primary School

Autumn 2 in Year 5

Monday 01 Nov 2021 07:47am

Wow! What an excellent Autumn term we are having so far. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' this past half term and this linked perfectly to our Geography unit of work about mountains and volcanoes. We have also enjoyed our learning about lifecycles in Science where we had some additional caterpillar, butterfly and chick members to our classes. 
This upcoming half term is looking equally as exciting!
In reading, our class novel will be  'Odd and the Frost Giants' which will link closely to our first History unit of work in Year 5 all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We will even have the opportunity to visit the Jorvik Viking Centre in York which we are all looking forward to. At home, please continue to ask your children to read aloud, ensuring that they are building up their fluency as well as improving with their comprehension skills. 
In maths, we will be using the knowledge and skills that we learnt last half term when multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 to help us when we learn about measures. We will also be using our timestable knowledge to help calculate the area and perimeter of regular and irregular shapes before finishing the half term with a unit of work on statistics where we will be focussing in detail on line graphs and tables. Please encourage your child to practise their timestables and corresponding division facts as this will help support them with our learning this half term. Timetable Rockstars and Hit the Button (Topmarks) are great games for this. 
We will also be learning about 3D models in our art unit of work this half term and the different techniques and materials that are used to  create a 3D model. As we move through the term, we will be building up to creating our own viking helmet so watch this space for some exciting pictures as the term progresses! 
PE days will be Wednesdays and Thursdays for Y5W and Thursdays and Fridays for Y5L. If children can come to school in active clothing on these days, that would be brilliant and please ensure they are wearing suitable footwear as well. 
We hope you have all had a happy October half term holiday and we cannot wait to continue with our Autumn term of learning! 

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