Year 6
Hello from the Year 6 Team. The class teachers are Miss Lawrence, Miss Naylor and Mrs Kirman. We follow the National Curriculum and promote a love of learning and provide exciting opportunities for hands on learning. We love to earn and have created a happy, relaxed and stimulating environment both inside and outside the classroom.
This year we will learn a range of exciting topics, from World War I to Evolution and Inheritance. There is a big focus on the core subjects due to SATs at the end of the year but we have lots of exciting things planned for the year 6, in and outside the classroom!
Reading is a big part of our school day, but we also encourage year 6 to read as much as possible at home. In Year 6, you are given the choice of which reading book you will take home but please do ensure that you bring them back into school when you have completed them. Reading books will be changed on a FRIDAY AFTERNOON when the children will have the opportunity to go to the school library.
Home-learning will be given out to children each Friday and should be returned on the following Wednesday. The children have their own home-learning book where they should complete any written tasks. They will also be given weekly spellings which the children will learn in school as well as practice at home.
If you have any questions or would like any clarification, please speak to a member of the Year 6 team.
Year 6
Summer in Y6
Date: 19/04/2024
Wow Y6 this is your last term here at Ecclesfield Primary School!
This half term is an incredibly busy one with just three weeks before SATs! We are consolidating our learning for the key subjects of…
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Spring 1 in Y6
Date: 08/01/2024
Welcome back Y6!
We hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas and are ready to have another amazing term. During this term we will have an exciting and informative visit to Crucial Crew and continue…
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Autumn 2 in Year 6
Date: 07/11/2023
Welcome back Y6!
We hope that you have had a wonderful break and are ready to have another amazing half term. During this term we will have an exciting visit from the Ambition Project and go on a visit…
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Autumn 1 in Year 6
Date: 10/09/2023
Welcome back Y6!
We hope that you have had a wonderful summer holiday and are feeling ready and raring to go!
During this term we will be building up the key foundations for learning throughout the…
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Summer 1 in Year 6
Date: 19/04/2022
Hi everyone and welcome back!
Well done for a great half term Y6! We can’t wait to carry on with some exciting new learning this half term too!
This term we will continue with our class book, The Boy…
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