Ecclesfield Primary School

Autumn 1 in Year 6

Sunday 10 Sep 2023 16:00pm

Welcome back Y6! 

We hope that you have had a wonderful summer holiday and are feeling ready and raring to go!

During this term we will be building up the key foundations for learning throughout the year and are looking forward to a visit from Bikeability on the week commencing the 11th September.

In maths we are going to be learning about place value and securing our knowledge on multiplying and dividing. We will continue to build upon our arithmetic skills through weekly practice. Please use our online platforms (Freckle and TT rockstars) to support in-school learning.  

Our reading and writing will centre on the book ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar.  We will have opportunities to understand and analyse the characters, settings, plots and messages of the book.  This depth of understanding will support our writing work – letters, descriptions, narratives and reports. Reading will play an important part in your progress in Year 6, we will read independently, share texts and develop comprehension skills.  

Our Geography learning on Europe will explore the diverse continent with focus on longitude and latitude and how to calculate time zones. This will lead us nicely into following learning in Autumn 2. 

In science we will be learning about the circulatory system. Through this topic we will explore how our bodies work and will consider the effects exercise can have on our hearts.

We can’t wait to have you all back and are looking forward to all the exciting learning we will get done this term! 

Y6 Team 


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