Summer in Y6

Friday 19 Apr 2024 16:02pm

Wow Y6 this is your last term here at Ecclesfield Primary School! 

This half term is an incredibly busy one with just three weeks before SATs! We are consolidating our learning for the key subjects of maths, reading and punctuation/grammar throughout these weeks. Following SATs, we will be focusing on writing.  We will be finishing our book focus of ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’, before moving on to our new text of ‘Journey to Jo’burg’ by Beverley Naidoo. 


We are keeping our topic about World War 2 until after we have finished SATs and then we will be learning all about Africa, including a history topic on Benin. 

Concepts: significant changes, chronology, change and continuity, cause and consequence 

We will keep our focus on Africa with a study of the Savannah biomes in geography and the vegetation belts of Africa, 

Concepts: place, environments, physical processes, human processes 

In science, we will be learning about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. 

Concepts: Asking questions, making predictions, observing and measuring, recording data 



  • PE will continue to be on Thursday this half term for both Y6R and Y6H – Athletics and rounders 
  • After SATs we will also be doing PE on a Monday too.
  • Our reading morning will be on Tuesday – make sure you have your reading books and reading diaries with you! 
  • Boosters will be continuing up to the end of the second week (Friday 28th April 2023). 
  • Like last term, homework will be handed out on a Friday to be due back on the following Tuesday.  

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