Ecclesfield Primary School

Summer Term In Y2

Thursday 18 Apr 2024 14:39pm

Welcome back to a brand new half term, we are very excited for all of our new topics!  

In maths, we are learning all about fractions. We will learn how to recognise wholes, halves, quarters and third, before learning how to find fractions including three quarters.

In history, we will continue our learning all about the Great Fire of London. We will also begin our topic on Florence Nightingale. Our learning will be supported by our reading and writing.  We shall be reading ‘Vlad and the Florence Nightingale adventure’ which shows us the conditions of the Scutari Hospital.

In science, we will be learning all about plants. We will be planting our own seeds and bulbs in different conditions to see if bigger seeds produce bigger plants.

In design and technology, we will continue looking at various structures before having a go at designing and making our own, which would have been able to survive the fire of London and the huge amount of water poured on them!

We are going to have a brilliant half term in Y2!


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